The Importance of Electrical Inspections for Building Safety

The Importance of Electrical Inspections for Building Safety

People Standing on a Rooftop in High Visibility Jackets and Hard Hats

Welcome to our latest blog post where we delve into a topic close to every property owner’s heart: electrical safety. As commercial electricians in the North Bay area, we’ve seen how the rapidly changing technology and infrastructure landscape has made electrical inspections more crucial than ever.

Electrical inspections are not just a regulatory checkbox, but a vital practice for ensuring the safety and efficiency of your building. Whether you’re managing a new construction project or maintaining an existing structure, understanding the importance of these inspections can be the key to preventing unforeseen disasters, ensuring compliance, and preserving the longevity of your property’s electrical systems.

If you’re looking for a commercial electrician in North Bay then contact us today. But first, join us as we illuminate the often-overlooked world of electrical safety inspections.


How Often Should Electrical Inspections be Conducted?


Many experts recommend that commercial property owners have their commercial electrical systems inspected every five years. How often you should have a commercial electrician in North Bay inspect your electrical system depends on several factors such as the type of business, the age of the building, the condition of the electrical system, and local laws.

Here are some other general guidelines.

➢ Initial inspection: A thorough inspection should be conducted when the electrical system is first installed. Make sure your electrical contractor tests all connections and components of your commercial electrical system after installation to make sure they’re working properly.

➢ Periodic inspections: Routine electrical inspections should be conducted at regular intervals (every 3-5 years). Manufacturing and other businesses that use heavy equipment or a lot of energy should consider having their electrical systems inspected more frequently (ideally every year or every other year).

➢ Annual visual inspections: Some businesses conduct a visual inspection annually. This is usually a less detailed check designed to help identify any obvious signs of wear and tear, damage, or overloading.

➢ Following major modifications or additions: After significant changes are made to the electrical system, an inspection should be conducted to ensure the electrical system is up to code.

➢ Special circumstances: In some cases, more frequent electrical inspections may be required due to the age of the building, the type of equipment used, or to ensure compliance with specific industry standards

A licensed commercial electrician in the North Bay can help you determine the appropriate inspection schedule. Professionals can provide guidance based on the latest safety standards and local regulations.


Benefits of Regular Electrical Inspections


During an electrical inspection, your contractor checks the condition of your commercial electrical system and tests its functionality. Periodic electrical inspections can help reduce the risk of electrical accidents and ensure regulatory compliance.

Here are the biggest benefits of regular electrical inspections.

➢ Help ensure the safety of building users: Regular electrical inspections help identify electrical hazards such as outdated wiring, overloaded circuits, or faulty equipment, which could cause an electrical short circuit and start an electrical fire. If a person comes in contact with faulty electrical equipment, they can get an electric shock, and sustain life-altering injuries.

➢ Compliance with regulations: Regular inspections ensure that your electrical system is up to code and complies with local and national standards. Compliance failure can lead to hefty penalties. Also, if an electrical fire breaks out, your insurer may reject your claim.

➢ Can prevent major electrical failures: By identifying and addressing minor issues early, regular inspections can prevent major electrical failures that could result in expensive repairs or replacements.

➢ Improved energy efficiency: An in-depth electrical inspection can help you identify energy vampires such as outdated appliances or inefficient lighting. Your electrician addresses any electrical issues in a timely manner to improve or maintain the energy efficiency of your commercial electrical system.

➢ Potentially reduced insurance premium: If you have your electrical system inspected regularly by a professional, some insurance companies may be willing to offer property insurance plans for lower premiums (as regular inspection reduces the risk of electrical fires).

➢ Maintaining property value: An up-to-date and well-maintained electrical system can help increase the value of your property.

Enhanced functionality: Regular electrical inspections can also help identify opportunities for upgrades or improvements that can enhance the functionality of your electrical system.

Most importantly you will have peace of mind that comes with knowing that your electrical system is in good condition.


What’s Included in a Professional Commercial Electrical Inspection?


A commercial electrical inspection typically includes a comprehensive evaluation of the establishment’s electrical system to ensure that it is safe, efficient, and compliant with local and national electrical codes.

During an electrical inspection your professional checks:

The main electrical panel, circuit breakers, and sub-panels to ensure they were installed and labeled properly and are working the way they should. The professional inspects every component of your electrical panel for any signs of overheating, corrosion, or overloading.

Visible wiring and connections to ensure they are in good condition, properly insulated, and correctly installed. Your contractor looks for any outdated wiring systems that might pose a safety risk.

The grounding system and ensures that the electrical system is properly grounded.

GFCI and AFCI devices to ensure they’re operating properly and can help reduce the risk of electrocution and prevent fire hazards.

Lighting fixtures to ensure they haven’t developed problems that can affect their functionality.

Outlets and switches for proper operation and correct polarity. Your electrician also makes sure that every outlet and switch fits securely.

Conduit and raceway systems to ensure they’re functional and in good shape.

Your HVAC and other major systems.

In addition to testing different components of your electrical system, your electrician performs load calculations. They assess the electrical load to ensure the system is not being overtaxed and is capable of handling the current and potential future demands. The professional also makes sure that electrical installations are NEC compliant.

CORE Electrical Services, Inc. is a renowned commercial electrical contractor in North Bay. We offer top notch electrical system maintenance, repair, and installation services. To request an estimate, call (707) 687-5083.